
Thursday 13 March 2014

Open Space Meeting Is A Best Way Of Getting New Innovative Ideas

Generally it has been seen in companies that CEO, Managers, Team Lead, Executives do meeting in a closed space i.e. Conference Hall .The main agenda of such meeting is to get some sort of Ideas, Brainstorming, and Decision Making. This type of meeting is called as Traditional Meeting.
It is generally found that Untraditional Type of Meeting like open space will be more fruitful in bringing new innovative ideas. As per science it is said that Human Being think more active and intelligently in open space as compared to close space. There are so many reasons behind this fact, as in open space due to fresh environment human being think more and develop the insight logic. It does not mean that Traditional meeting is not useful or waste.
The meeting type should be decided on the basis of the participants who are going to involve in that meeting. If the Participants are self reserved than it should be open space meeting so that Management can able to get some sort of ideas from executives. If the Participants are extrovert than meeting should be closed space and if it is a mixture of both than it should be open space or untraditional.It is generally found that to maintain decorum Mangers go with the Traditional Meeting but it has been seen that it will just ended with discussion and no output. To extract the ideas, Thinkers should have some freedom to think and speak.
In today’s scenario top most company will generally go with open space meeting. It would be a best trail if company apply this in real scenario and check out with the results. 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Analysis OF Yahoo Acquisition of Vizify

     1.      Owner: Jerry Yang, David Filo
1.  Owner: Eli Tucker
     2.      Headquarters: Sunnyvale, California, U.S.
2. Headquarters: Washington, Portland
     3.      Revenue: US$4.68 billion

3.Revenue: $1.46 million
     4.      Employees: 12,200 (Dec 2013)
4. Employees: 10 (Minimum)
    5.      Key Areas: Web portal, search engine Yahoo Search, and related services, including Yahoo Directory, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo News, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Groups, Yahoo Answers, advertising, online mapping, video sharing, fantasy sports and its social media website.
5. Key Areas: Social Data Visualization, social media data into interactive visual aids such as infographics and videos.
     6.      Strengths: Yahoo during July 2013 surpassed Google on the number of United States visitors(Comscore)
6. Strengths:  Strong social data visualization
     7.      Website:
7. Website:

List of Businesses Acquired By Yahoo
Acquisition Date
September 1997
Net Controls
Web search engine
March 31, 1998
Classic Games
Online game
May 27, 1999
Internet service provider
March 23, 2000
E-commerce payment systems
June 30, 2000
November 9, 2000
Web portal
June 28, 2001
Online music store
February 12, 2002
Job search engine
June 14, 2003
Overture Services, Inc.
Search engine marketing
January 2004
3721 Internet Assistant
Browser Helper Object
September 14, 2004
Musicmatch Jukebox
Audio player
March 4, 2005
Online game
January 17, 2006
Web search engine
January 8, 2007
Social network service
February 12, 2008
Maven Networks
Video on demand
August 25, 2009
Social media
October 4, 2010
February 12, 2013
Social recommendation
May 17, 2013
February 13, 2014
Technical Recruiting
March 5, 2014
Social media information transformation

                                                                                               (Source: Yahoo Wikipedia)
Main Strategy Implemented By Yahoo:
1. Acquire the business that is already having enough market capture.
2. To increase the product line up better way to acquire the business instead of starting from the scratch.
3. Reach at Mass through acquisition.

        Note: Figures and numbers are subjected to change. Comments and Analysis done by writer is his own analysis.

Monday 24 February 2014

Analysis of Facebook Acquisition of Whats App

      1.     Owner : Mark Zuckerberg
          1.     Owner: Brian Acton

       2.     Total Users: 1.3 Billion
2. Total Users: 512 Million
  3. Revenue: 7.8 Billion US $/Year
     3. Revenue: 1 Billion US $/ Year   

Swot Analysis of Facebook Before Acquisition:
1.  Strength:
   Ø No.1 in social Networking
           Ø Good Growth

     2. Weakness:
           Ø Facing problem to reach mass

     3. Opportunity:
   Ø More Profit
           Ø Reach at Mass

     4. Threat: 
   Ø Neck to Neck competition with Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter
Swot Analysis of Facebook After Acquisition:
1.  Strength:
   Ø Distinctive ahead in terms of users.

2. Weakness:
   Ø Huge Investment (19 Billion)

3. Opportunity:
   Ø To expand the business
   Ø Reach at Mass

4. Threat:

  Ø Difficult for competitors to beat facebook now but with merger & acquisition with other companies Facebook can beatable.

1. Why Facebook decided to acquire Whats App@ 19 Billion US $(Highest Tech Deal in World)???
At 20.2.2014 = Facebook invested 19 Billion US $ in that 4 Billion cash & remaining in shares / stocks.
Whats App Revenue = 1 Billion/ year; as they charge 1$ / year/ user.
Monthly users 510 million*12= 6120 Million (At least)
Let’s assume 1 billion /year will be revenue.
In general at 20.2.2031 Facebook will recollect the whole invested amount.i.e 19 Billion in 19 years (For Sure).

Facebook Strategy:
1. After 20.2.2031, the money collected from Whats App will be extra income for facebook.
2. The Investment money (19Billion) can be collected in 7-8 years by allowing Ad Company to do promotion via Whats App.

Note: All the figures are subjected to change and analysis done by analyst is his personal analysis.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Learning Through Summer Internship Project

The trend has changed, now a higher percentage of graduates join in MBA for their PG program. They do have their ambition and goal to achieve through MBA. The project done in MBA is really giving upper edge to students while going to face interviews. It is advisable to work with passion and learning attitude in a project. It is being observed that students take casually the project and later faces problem in the company.A summer internship will always tell you about the company working style, strategies, culture, and attitude at work place and many more related to organizational behavior.Let’s take an example of MBA Marketing Project work. During the program student have lots of opportunity to learn from the market. While doing project marketing student can learn about Product, Price, Place, Promotion strategies and Marketing Research techniques. If the project work is done sincerely than it would be beneficial for company, college and student as well. The final report submitted by the student can be used by the company in doing market analysis, college can use it in clearing the concept to students as they have current data and students can use it while doing job.

It is important to do the project with utmost care. It is necessary for the college to help their students in their projects and make sure that they are going to learn something from the project while undergoing the project. Students themselves understand the importance of project and do properly.

Interview Tips

1.Be punctual: 
Reach the place 30minutes before the time and make yourself comfortable.

2.Prepare for the interview: Research the company and its products and services, and make sure you know the company’s correct name.

3.Relax and be yourself: Never stress yourself, be cool and enjoy the interview.

4.Smile and be friendly: An interview is not the time to be shy. A warm smile goes a long way toward establishing a good first impression and rapport with the interviewer.

5.Use a firm handshake and direct eye contact: A limp handshake or lack of eye contact can make you appear ill-at-ease and possibly less than honest.

6.Bring copies of your resume: Interviewers don’t always have a copy of your resume available and you will seem ultra-prepared if you have extras.

7.Look the part: You want your potential employer to be able to visualize you in the role. Good grooming and professional appearance are important. Even if you know the office is typically business casual, a well-fitting formal dress makes an excellent first impression.

8.Ask questions: Make sure you have prepared a few questions ahead of time. Typically, interviewers gauge your interest in the position by whether you ask questions.

9.Bring a planner or pad of paper and a pen: This way, you can take notes or even write down your questions if you tend to get nervous.

10. Write/ Say a thank-you note: Make sure you get business cards from every person who interviews you and send a handwritten note to each one. Make sure you spell their names correctly. So few people write/say thank-you notes that this alone will create a positive impression.

Importance Of Mentor In Life

1. A Mentor Will Get You Started
When you want to accomplish the goal in life, a mentor is going to kick start you on the path to achieve it.
2. Learn From Someone Who Walks the Walk
When you have a mentor, you are learning from someone who has already arrived at where you want to be. They know exactly what it takes to get there and what sacrifices need to be made.
3. Build Your Confidence
Mentor helps in building self confidence and makes us competent in worst situation.
4. A Resource for Life
When you have a mentor, they really become your mentor for life. It does not matter if you move up and on, that connection will still always be there. Once you have “made it” there never becomes a point where you know it all and don’t need any more help.
5. Show Appreciation
Any good (and smart) mentor is not going to take time out of their busy life to invest into you for free. You don’t have to pay your mentor financially, but you need to offer them some value in return for their time.

What Is the Best Type of Marketing Research?

According to American Marketing Association, “Marketing research is defined as the function which links customer, consumer, publics to marketer through information; Information used to identify opportunities and problems, generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions, measures marketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a process.”

Many market researchers have their favorite research approaches or techniques, although different researchers often have different preferences. Some researchers maintain that the only way to really learn about consumers or brands is through in depth, qualitative research others contented that the only legitimate and sensible form of marketing uses quantitative research.

Every research is correct and important. Any one can use the any one type of research as per the situation demanded. As Exploratory research design is used when researchers didn't know much about the topic and literature was also not available. In this type of research has no time constraint. The same topic can be done by using Descriptive type of research in which researcher objective is just to know the answer of “ What”, “Where”, “When”, “Whom”. It can be done by using causal research too if researcher intention is to get the answer of “Why”.
Therefore none of the research is bad, it’s simply depends on the researcher objectives and hypothesis.