
Wednesday 14 May 2014

Marketing V/S Sales

It is always a great confusion between Marketing & Sales. People have confusion as they sometimes think both are same or sometimes they think they are different. In my opinion both have equal importance in company. Marketing role should be to support the sales team at every stage so as to get the maximum business for the company whereas Sales team should take maximum advantage from marketing team so as to get their work done.
For any company sales are very important as they bring revenue but alone sales team can’t make the easy inflow of money in the company until and unless some Strategy/Plan/Support will be provided. Marketing & Sales are two branches of a same tree which can only give fruits when both are binding and helping each other to grow.

It is generally found that Company who have separate department for Marketing & Sales team are growing more as compared to those who have single department. Both the teams are having equal importance and both carry different skills. Marketing Team should carry skill like Strategic planning, Thinking, Motivators, Communication, Research Oriented, Support Activities & able to analyze the shortfall in the same way Sales team should have Go Getter Approach, Field knowledge, Convincing Power, Hard Worker, Punctual.

Every Company should maintain the balance between the team’s like making the Marketing Team to provide every type of support (Data Handling, Data Distribution, Strategy Preparation, Market Research, Form Fillup, Decision regarding whom to target / How to target etc) for sales team & Sales team should take maximum advantage and only focused on giving best presentation in order to close the sale.

Marketing Team should be responsible for understanding the needs, wants of customer so as make customer satisfied by keeping organization goals and objectives into mind.
Sales Team should focused only on sales and must share their problems with marketing team in order to achieve the target.

Main Management Mantra:

Marketing + Sales = Profit

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