
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Is Consumer Behavior More a Function of a Person’s Age or Generation???

One of the widely debated issues in developing marketing programs that target certain age groups is how much consumers change over time. Some marketers pertain that age differences are critical and that the needs and wants of a 25 year old in 2013 are not different from those of a 25 years old in 1980.

Consumer behavior is more function of generation and marketers by their marketing activities changed the behavior. Many others factors like income, resource etc are responsible for the change, but the factors which is most important is generation. As due to change in generation, marketing activities were too changed.

Earlier in 1980’s products are sold on the basis of Mass production or selling concept where the marketer’s role was quite less. The need and want of 25 year’s old person was same in 1980 and 2013 but in 1980 they didn’t realize it and now due to marketers they realized that it’s their needs.
It is true that marketer’s helps in knowing about the product by their creativity which ultimately become want and helps to reduce the human effort and make life full of comfortable and enjoyable. Hence consumer behavior changes with time and generation.

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